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Lite-On Technology Corporation, commonly known as Lite-On, is a multinational company headquartered in Taiwan. Established in 1975, Lite-On has evolved into a prominent global supplier of consumer electronics, computer components, and optoelectronics solutions.


Lite-On manufactures a diverse range of products, including LED components and lighting solutions, optical disc drives (ODDs), power supplies, solid-state drives (SSDs), automotive electronics, and other electronic components. They supply these products to various industries, including consumer electronics, automotive, computing, communications, and lighting.


In the realm of optoelectronics, Lite-On is recognized for its LED lighting products, ranging from individual LED components to complete lighting solutions for commercial, residential, and industrial applications. Additionally, their optical disc drives were prevalent in desktop and laptop computers for reading and writing CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs.


The company has a strong focus on innovation and technology, continuously striving to develop new products and improve existing ones to meet the evolving demands of the market. Lite-On's products have been integral components in various electronic devices and systems used globally.

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LITEON Product Line

Discrete Semiconductors

